Saturday 29 May 2010

Member of Parliament a Law to Themselves

Well we managed to get the General Election out of the way and what do we find. These so called honorable gentlemen, it seems are far from honorable. And whats more do not give a toss about ethics, honor or the rest of us.

We went into the election with the stench of theft, fraud, dishonesty and lying tainting the once good name of the Houses of Parliament. Only to emerge with a brand new administration. One in which both Leaders had vehemently condemned corruption. yet these representatives of the people again show their contempt by complaining about their allowances.

Here we go again, with the ink still not dry from the signature of the latest MP's signature, we find ourselves with yet another government Minister involved in fraudulent behavior. At least he has the opportunity to show the previous administration how to behave when caught by resigning. As they never quite learned or understood the concept. Failure to do so within a respectable time frame. Then show your metal,David Cameron and SACK him.

Monday 24 May 2010

At Long Last, Some Action

Well it has been a long time, but at long last we are seeing some evidence of action. We now have a rough idea as to the actual size of the debt that New Labour has left behind. But more to the point Vince Cable ( Who is a Lib - Dem) and a former Labour MP.  A man who accepts the fact that drastic action is needed, and whats more is prepared to do something about. A man of  courage. We need more like him. Keep up the good work, Vince.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Where Do we Go From Here?

Is anyone interested in the future of this country? We have had David Cameron and Nick Clegg using fine words in order to get elected. Statements like. "We joined forces for the good of the country so that we can sought out this apalling mess" All they seem to be interested in is feathering their own nest. Particularly "Clegg" who's only interest seems to be in getting his  Liberal ideals adopted.

At no time has anyone pointed out the size of this DEBT that we will have to erradicate at some point.
I think that nobody knows just, HOW BIG IT IS.

Meanwhile the opposition this incompetent miss match, of miss fits, behave as if they have had no input into this mess that they have left behind. Promising who ever they meet, what they will give them should they be re ellected. This is how we got into this situation in the first place. This is Labour Legacy."Run up the Debt, let someone else sought out the mess, so that they stop all the flack. Because in order to do so they will have had to adopt some unpopular measures. 

So what happens? Labour gets re ellected and we start  all over again.

COME ON! David Cameron and Nick Clegg lets get our priorities right let the people who ellected you the decent people of this country and the spongers, know to what extent Labour has burdened us.
So we all know just  why these unpopular measures are being taken and who is to blame. Pensioner, redundant and those who are unable to work are particularly worried.  http://www.enjoy-your-retirement/ .com attempts to keep them up to date.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

New Era in Polotics

 It should be a time for rejoicing, we have moved from the secret often  dictatorial style that was adopted by the previous government a government that  appeared to wanted to know about and control your thoughts and actions. A government that although it maintained that it was the champion of just causes and had  made a big play on honesty, integrity, compassion and freedom. Yet subsequently it would  appear  presided over the most disgraceful period in British Politics. With the emergence of spin doctors and unelected government  advisers. Coupled with MP's loosing the publics respect through making exaggerated  claims on expenses.. It. no wonder the public has lost heart.

retutc                                                                                                                                                         tion that this countrey has ever seenn the end it had a de a big  . ty  v

A Period of Shame

We are going through a period that none of us can be proud of. In particular in the way we are governed.
Members of Parliament, indeed all Politicians, be they local government, Member of the EU or M P's.
The lies, misapropiation of priveledges and fraudulent behaviour has brought shame on us all. Being a Member of Parliament can no longer be classified as an honnerable profession. Which brings me to the present farce. 

Nick (Wake up Smell the Coffee )

You are beginning to loose credibility now. And with it the possible
destruction of your party.

Labour will promise you everything to get you on side. Do you really
think that they will allow proportional representation when you are a
threat to them. You got a bigger share of the vote at the election.
Would you put into place a system that helped your opponents. Think
again? If you do decide to opt in with Labour, ask yourself are you a match for
Mandelson and Campbell? I think not.

Do the right thing and protect yourself, your Party and above all the Country.

John Michael Backhouse

Saturday 15 May 2010

And Still They Struggle

A lot of publicity has being made about the poor equipment and the lack of it for our services. This unfortunately has always been the case. Certainly as far back as I can recall. That date being mid 1957 when I joined the forces. This problem although much more serious, still existed when I left in 1987. Mainly caused by green eyed officers and MOD personnel. Who order equipment that is totally unnecessary and often over specification, having seen it elsewhere. Usually at an American base. The two proposed aircraft carriers, with no aircraft being a classical example. Added to which the incompetence of many civil servants who could not make a serious decision if their life depended upon it. Not flagging up problems when they occur, causing an unnecessary drain on the available budget. It was ever thus. What in my opinion is much more serious issue, and nobody as yet to my knowledge, has addressed it. Is training, or should I say lack of it, of our young people. These people, the cream of our society are being sent to their death like lambs to the slaughter, by unworthy, ill informed politicians who have little interest in what is happening in Afghanistan. Preferring to feather their own nests while the opportunity still exists. These young people, and I know my next remarks will be challenged by some of them. ( I reassure you the remarks are not meant to be derogatory, but unfortunately are a fact ), are being put in a situation that our troops have never had to face before. They are being sent to fight for a cause. that few have a genuine belief in. Against a hardened, seasoned, medieval, brutal, dishonest regime. That have  entrenched traditions and beliefs. It is their country they know it well and they are not afraid to die for the cause. Our personnel by and large are young, and are not driven by the same intense inbreed patriotism.  Our troops not being as disciplined, as in the past. I know that last remark will cause an uproar so let me explain as to what I mean.. We live in a society where we're all allowed to have and encouraged to voice our opinions. Consequently the modern youth will challenge any situation that they are not happy with. This is fine under normal circumstances, but in the situation that they find themselves in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is serious. Added to which they are not receiving adequate training, being sent to the front line far to young, lacking the necessary skills. This unfortunately is right across the board. We live in the age of human rights, free speech, our youngsters being encouraged to question decisions. and act independently.. Which in a War situation, could be disastrous.  Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, George Bush and the Military Chiefs are aware of this,. yet not one of them has had the guts to stand up for our young forces. They are being sent out  daily,  ill equipped, poorly trained, inexperienced and most probably frightened, to fight a tribal people who have never been beaten in history. In an extremely hostile environment. WHY?.  When any politician or Military spokesman is asked what we are doing there. They give the woolliest of answers. We are told, it is to keep the streets of the U K safe. Well has worked as it not?. The streets are much more dangerous now, than ever before, drug addicts every where, terrorists are flocking to the cause, and we are on the verge of bankruptcy. The truth is they did not know, what they were getting into. Not having sufficient knowledge or guidance as to what could happen. Having no contingency plan, having dug this hole, they do not know how to get out of it. Mean while more and more of our high caliber young people are laying down their lives for an unjust, unknown cause. We need these young people they are our future. It is a criminal act , to have them fight and die for an unjust cause. So that a few drug addicts, criminals and scroungers can live in peace, whilst unworthy politicians claim credit. In my opinion, which I exercise my right to have one. I feel  that .Tony Blair and George Bush should be charged with \war crimes. Gordon Brown should be charged with incompetence or gross negligence ( although I suppose it can be said that events have already punished him)  I do not know how they sleep at night. I sincerely hope that the new regime can address the situation quickly.
As you might gather I feel very strongly about the whole situation.

John Michael Backhouse
Warrant Officer (rtd ) - Royal Navy

Thursday 13 May 2010

The King is Dead Long Live the King

So the Labour Party is looking for a new leader. It would appear that they are about to attempt to resurrect the Pretty Boy look of the Blair years rather than selecting a leader who can carry the respect of bulk of the party members. Have they not learned the lesson of the past few years that beauty is only skin deep. A Rolls Royce with a clapped out engine is no use to anyone. I would have thought that a reliable, trustworthy less flashy vehicle would be a safer bet. For example Jack Straw or Alun Johnson, would have been a more suitable choice.. It will be exciting to watch what happens. My feeling is that they will them tear each other apart.  

Wednesday 12 May 2010

At Long Last

At Last the Conservatives and the Liberals have got their act together. But will it LAST? I personally think it is going to be very difficult, both parties are very set in their ways and the Liberals have such a complicated vetting procedure that it will be almost impossible for them to agree to anything. Thats when the crunch will come. Somehow I hope they can avoid confrontation. It will be just a bit complicated come the next election. If all is well, will they jointly claim the credit or if all is bad will each blame the other. We shall see. There is also a danger that one of the parties will devour the other.   Interesting, but does it create a stable government ?              

Monday 10 May 2010

Further Deterioration of Standards

The country is in a mess. Yet we have just had an General Election, in which each of the politicians stated quite catagoricaly  that they are will represent us by putting our interests and that of the country first. What a load of cods wallop.

On one hand we have a Prime Minister who although he maintains that he is a virtuous, deeply honest man because of  his strict  up bringing, who has maintained all along that he is a man of the people, a caring. family man. Appears to be only interested in holding onto power by what ever means he can muster.

On the other hand we have two leaders of the opposition parties who again say that their only interest is in that of the country and it's people. Yet only seem interested in protecting the interest of the party. Meanwhile the country is going down  the pan. I do not know why they bother. It has been proved over the last at least two years, that you do not need to be an elected representative to hold a position of authority, and able to make major decisions that affect us all .Lets stop this wrangling and get this country back on it's feet.Restore some pride and dignity.Back to the days when politicians did represent the people who put them there.And being largely honest people, who when they did make a mistake,did the honourable and decent thing and resigned.