Saturday 19 June 2010

Micaba's Observations: Is the USA right?

Micaba's Observations: Is the USA right?

Is the USA right?

The Americans are up to their usual tricks, dictating to the rest of us, by and large they are very nice people. Especially when everything is going there way, but when something upsets them then watch out world. They like to be top dog and woe be tide us if they are not.The oil leakage in the Gulf of Mexico is a case in point, America has probably caused more pollution through out the world than any other Nation. And in nearly every case they have walked away from it. The Union Carbide case in India being a classical example, There are numerous examples of the damage that has been caused by the indiscriminate use of chemicals and weapons. Added to which the growing of Genetically Modified crops without  proper safe guards in place. Yet  when something  affects America then we all must stand to attention. They have forgotten or choose to ignore the fact that the  Rig involved in this incident is American, crewed by Americans, the safety equipment and procedures were American. The USA was responsible for the granting of the operating licences, consequently  they mus be responsible for the overseeing of the operating procedures. Therefore this must give them a considerable chunk of the responsibility. Yet they will not accept this, not until the inevitable movie is made. America is a great Nation with good honest nice people, yet at times they can be unreasonable and overbearing. convinced that they are always right. They are great advocates  of the stick and carrot approach.  Go in and bomb the hell out of them on day one and on day two going in with the relief packages. It's no wonder half the world dislike them.                                                                                            

Tuesday 15 June 2010

The Sins of the Fathers are Visited on the Children

At no time has there been a more truth full saying than this one.

Lets Take Stock:=

We are in a mess! - The country is overdrawn at the bank. Thanks to a previous administration that was not only inept and irresponsible. But one that created many situations For what reasons one can only imagine. Is it for it's social conscience personal gain, or simply to rub the oppositions nose in it. ( fox hunting being a classical example). One can only summarize. What is known is the fact that a lot of time was spent apol'ogising for the actions of our fore fathers. Thus laying the ground for. A human rights bill that was introduced. a bill that is some what ambiguous to say the the least. Health and safety is open to the most ridiculous interpretation. Thus causing upset to many people. The only ones to benefit from all this legislation are the Lawyers, who have enjoyed a substantial hike in their earnings. Because of this growth in the compensation culture. Now we have thrust up on us the events of Bloody Sunday. The most expensive enquirey ever, and one that will continue to grow to epic proportions once the lawyers get into full swing.One wonders, just how much of the National Debt can be attributed to these crazy schemes. As pointed out in my original statement we the son's are left with the cleaning up.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Micaba's Observations: Yet One More Step to Restoring Public Confidence

Micaba's Observations: Yet One More Step to Restoring Public Confidence

Yet One More Step to Restoring Public Confidence

Well, it seems we may well be getting back on course.In the last few days we have had the terrible incident at Whitehaven to contend with. Yet unlike the previous regime there was no knee jerk reaction. The Labour Party would have, rushed through an ill thought out change to the gun laws,in order to catch the headlines.The previous Prime Ministers would have grabbed every opportunity to milk the situation for what it was worth.The Prime Minister did visit the area but he did not use this to obtain. Political advantage. No false demonstrations of sympathy, No staged demonstrations,just quiet respect and empathy.During this very stressful time was nice to see.

The previous administration will probably go down as one of the most inept and dis honorable governments in history. A number of Ministers being found guilty of lying, the noses in the trough incident, the use of spin doctors, the placing of ill fitted un elected, often discredited, people in positions of authority, the hiding of facts and figures and bad news. There is a lot went on that we can only imagine. However there is enough known facts to be able to make a judgement.

The Chillcot Enquiry re convenes shortly it should be given the power and the facilities, to look into all aspects so that they may make an honest and in depth report.Allowing recommendations as to what steps must now be taken. If a War Crimes tribunal is needed then so be it. This country as long championed the rights and wrongs of others, now let it champion the rights of US.

Tuesday 1 June 2010


Never the less it was the right thing to do (Resign that is) David Law has made a small step in the direction of restoring values and doing the honorable thing. ( Labour Party take note ) This is one thing that they would never have considered, they were past masters at hanging on to office,whilst pointing the finger of scorn at others. He can return with his head held high, knowing hat he did the right thing. Again the previous administration should take note. Maybe Fergy should also take note. She is getting to long in the tooth to behave in the way that she does. She has always been a fun loving girl, I remember her well,when she used to visit the ships in Portsmouth Naval Base. Hopefully she will get over this one as despite the occasional foot in the mouth. She is good hearted,entertaining and I am convinced that Sara and Andrew still love each other.